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Salted Egg Cornflakes

This is an irresistible snack...Superb!  The original recipe is having 6 salted eggs. The salted egg that I can get from supermarkets are in a pack of 4.  Thus, I change the portion to 4 salted eggs instead of 6.  The original recipe add chilliies.  I did not add as my little don't like spicy.

Original recipe from Thermomixrecipes.

(makes 2 bottles)

4          Salted eggs 
70g      Butter
160g    cornflakes
50g      sugar
3pcs    chilli padi, cut into small pcs              (optional)
16g      curry leaves (remove the stems, weigh only the leaves)

1.  Preheat oven 170 deg.

2.  Put cleaned salted eggs on the simmering basket.  Add water to 1500g to TM bowl.  Cook.
    16m / 100c / sp3.5
(*I'm still in progress of adding water. Please rem to fill to 1500g)

3.  Remove the eggs from basket & remove the yolks.  Mashed it.

4.  Clean & dry the TM bowl.  Melt butter.
    4m / 60c / sp2

5. Add in mashed salted egg yolks & cook.
    5m / 120c /sp1

6.  Add in curry leaves, chilli & sugar.  Cook

    5m / 100c /sp0.5

7.  Pour onto the cornflakes & stir to coat evenly.
8.  Put the coated cornflakes on the baking tray & bake for 7-10 mins. 
*Spread thinly, do a few batches.

9.  Keep in airtight containers.


1.  It will get burnt easily.  Please watch the oven after 6mins.

2.  The baked cornflakes should look dry & golden.

3.  When it is still a bit warm, you can keep in air tight containers.  Do not wait till it is cool.  It will lost its crisp.

4.  Can use Airfryer instead of oven. 
I'm a busy working mum. Despite of the busy work, I hope to provide my family with home-cooked food whenever possible. I came across thermomix and it can fulfill my wish and also bring alot of cooking joy. I like to do research and development on baking and cooking. I am still trying to explore what it can do. If you are a thermomix owner, I hope this information will help you and we can learn together. If you do not own one and wanted to know more about it, I am more delighted to share with you.
