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Un-skin/Peel shallots


This is the beauty of thermomix.  It reduce the hassle of manual work., especially when it come to peeling of garlic & onion skin.  This came especially useful if you need to peel lots of onions to make sambal chilli.   I would say this is not fool-proof.   Some manual rubbing off the skin is still needed.  However, it can come off easily.  This is the trick to de-skin the onions.

1.  Cut the "heads" of the shallots.  Separate any "joining bulbs".

2.  Add 1000g water in mixing bowl follow by onions (max 200g).  Start Thermomix.

            30 sec / speed 3

3. Some of the skin can be peel off easily.

4.  Repeat the steps if the results is not desirable.

I'm a busy working mum. Despite of the busy work, I hope to provide my family with home-cooked food whenever possible. I came across thermomix and it can fulfill my wish and also bring alot of cooking joy. I like to do research and development on baking and cooking. I am still trying to explore what it can do. If you are a thermomix owner, I hope this information will help you and we can learn together. If you do not own one and wanted to know more about it, I am more delighted to share with you.
