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Tau Suan

This is a comforting dessert...I tried once by cooking it direct but it end up the beans are all mashed up....after much research on how others cook this using Thermie, the best way for me is to steam it and cook the starchy soup.  I have adapted a recipe in thermomix truly Asian FB with some modifications.


250g.     Spilt beans, soaked overnight
2.            Pandan leaves

Sweet syrup:
120g.      Rock sugar
1200g.    Water
 4-6.         Pandan leaves tied knot

Starchy mixture:
40g.       Potato starch
200g.      Water

1.  Put beans onto the varoma dish, leaving a hole for the steam to come up.  Cover the pandan leaves with the beans. Steam with 800g water.
              15m/ Var / sp3

2.  Add 1000g water, rock sugar & pandan leave into TM bowl. In the meanwhile, Mix potato starch with 200g water. When it reach last 3mins, pour in through MC hole to let the syrup thickens.

     15m / V / sp2

3.  Add in the cooked beans & stir the mixture & let it rest for 5mins, covered.

** Note:  Do not re-boil the Tao suan….it will turn mushy.  You can only heat up but not to boiling stage.

I'm a busy working mum. Despite of the busy work, I hope to provide my family with home-cooked food whenever possible. I came across thermomix and it can fulfill my wish and also bring alot of cooking joy. I like to do research and development on baking and cooking. I am still trying to explore what it can do. If you are a thermomix owner, I hope this information will help you and we can learn together. If you do not own one and wanted to know more about it, I am more delighted to share with you.
