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Braised pork (tee kah) Fried Bee Hoon

I believe everyone has seen and tasted the fried bee hoon from Thermomix.  But when it comes to cooking this dish yourself, the bee hoon always break into small short pieces due to the blades.

Actually, there is a techique to cook bee hoon.  Here are the factors:

Bee Hoon brand
The chilli brand is usually the brand to use as the texture is not easily break off after it is cooked

'Fragile' ingredients 
This means those ingredients that are easily cut off by the blades..:D
Such as fishcakes, meat. These ingredients has to be on top of the bee hoon when cooking ..tougher ones like cabbages are fine to be at the bottom blade area.

Need to stop halfway cooking to stir the uncooked bee hoon( which are on the top) to the bottom.

This time, I would like to introduce you to one Bee Hoon brand.  That is Taiwan Xin' Zhu bee hoon.  I found it in Sheng Siong.  It is very resistance to breakage even if it is cook.  If you want a zero failure fried bee hoon, no harm trying this.

The timing for cooking of bee hoon is longer than normal as this need longer hour. If use the chilli brand, reduce the timing 2mins for step 7.

Ok.  Here comes the recipe for the fried bee hoon...

Serves 6 (1pax:65g bee Hoon, estimated portion)
2    cans  braised pork leg, removed the bones & separate the sauce & the meat
                 (Narcissus brand)
150g        Cabbage, cut into pieces
400g        bee hoon 
20g          Garlic, peeled
20g          shallots, peeled
50g          olive oil
500g       Water + braised pork leg can 
1tbsp     Dark soy sauce
              ( for coloring. Can omit)
1 pack  ready to eat chestnut  (optional)

1) Spread the bee hoon and soak for 1 min.
2)  Place garlic & shallots into TM   bowl.  
            4s / sp6

3) Add oil, saute.

         4m / V / sp2

4) Add cabbage. Cook.

         3m / V / R. Spoon

5) Add water ( i.e. braised pork sauce +  water) and dark soy sauce.

    2m / 100c / R. Spoon 

6) Add in the bee hoon, with the pork on top of the bee hoon. 

     2m / V / R. Sp0.5
7) Stir the bottom bee hoon to the top to proportion the cooking process. Add in the chestnuts.
     3m/ V / R. Sp 0.5
8) After done, leave the cooked bee hoon in the TM bowl for another 5mins before serving.  

Garnish with spring onions.

I'm a busy working mum. Despite of the busy work, I hope to provide my family with home-cooked food whenever possible. I came across thermomix and it can fulfill my wish and also bring alot of cooking joy. I like to do research and development on baking and cooking. I am still trying to explore what it can do. If you are a thermomix owner, I hope this information will help you and we can learn together. If you do not own one and wanted to know more about it, I am more delighted to share with you.