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Lemon sugar syrup 柠檬膏


This is a natural cough remedy.  For beauty & soothe throat...if catch a cold, add slices of ginger and warm water.  Good home remedy.

 If to do it by normal way, 

This recipe is shared in Chinese version in Facebook.  Just search for 柠檬膏...there are tons of recipes about this.i have tried 2 ways....with and withour skins.  Both works good.  Just that for for those with skins, difficult to consume the lemons pieces.  

Make sure no seeds are present.  Esle the syrup will be bitter.

400g     lemons
600g     rock sugar

1.  Clean the lemon skin thoroughly.
Cut the lemons into slices. Remove any seeds from the lemon (important: prevent bitterness).

2.  Add the rock sugar to mixing bowl, blend into smaller pieces.
    10sec / speed 8

3.  Add in  sliced lemons. Cook.

90mins / 100c / speed 0.5

3. Remove the measuring cup & continue to cook to thicken
20mins / varoma / reverse spoon

When it is cooled, store in a sterilized bottle or container.  

To consume: 
Take a clean dry spoon, scoop some lemon sugar syrup and add water.  You can consume warm or cold.  The lemons are good to eat too.

Add a few slices of ginger & consume with warm water if having a cold.

Ratio lemon : sugar
             1       : 1.5

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