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Jackfruit Sago dessert

Easy desserts that can be done in 30 minutes.  Great for hot weather Singapore!

Serves 12-15


1000g     water

100g       sago 

200g     coconut milk

400g.    jackfruit, peel into slices(without seeds)

1.  Add water into mixing bowl.  Boil.

        8mins / 100c / speed 2

2.  Add in sago & cook.

       14mins/ 100c/ r. spoon

3.  Pour the cooked sago onto a varoma dish & run through with cold water. Set aside.

4. Briefly wash the mixing bowl.  Add in the sugar, coconut milk & 300g of milk.  Cook.

        7min / 100c / sp2

5.  Add in the sago & the remaining milk to the mixing bowl.  

        1min / 100c/ sp 1.5

6.  Let it cool.  Add in the jackfruit slices & keep refrigerated.  Serve cold.


1.  Can replace the jack fruit with honeydew or watermelon.

2.  Can serve together with crushed some ice (using thermomix blending, 5s / sp6).

3.  You can replace the milk with coconut milk if you do not like milk.

4. If coconut milk is used, cook all the coconut milk  with 2-3 pcs of Pandan leaves (tied into a knots) at step 4. Increase the time to 10mins

I'm a busy working mum. Despite of the busy work, I hope to provide my family with home-cooked food whenever possible. I came across thermomix and it can fulfill my wish and also bring alot of cooking joy. I like to do research and development on baking and cooking. I am still trying to explore what it can do. If you are a thermomix owner, I hope this information will help you and we can learn together. If you do not own one and wanted to know more about it, I am more delighted to share with you.
