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Ginger red dates drink

As girls has grown up and starting their menses, i started to realize their face are pale and hands and feet easily get cold.  Is time to look into what can help them on these symptoms.   Here is one of the simple drink which is they willing to take: Ingredients (for 1 to 2 cups): 15g   g…

Chocolate chip muffins

This is so far the best choc chip muffins I have tried using Thermomix.  Super easy steps, fast and soft.  Flour need not sift.  Good for quickie brekkie or tea break.  Whole process took less than 1 hour.  Most important thing for muffins is not to overmix.  Do no…

QQ Mochi Bread

Ingredients 125g milk 30g butter 30g sugar 1g salt 125g Topioca flour + 25g bread flour 1 egg (55g), beaten Method 1) Preheat oven at 200deg. 2) Add milk, butter, salt, sugar into mixing bowl.    3mins / 100c / speed 1 3) Add flour. Scrape down      30sec / speed 3, slowly in…

Little buns

This is my daily favourite bread recipe.  The recipe quantity fits a 12 hole standard muffin cup tray. Easy and fast to make. 135g    milk 30g       egg 3g         yeast 40g       sugar 2g          salt 250g     bread flour 15g        milk powder ( optional) 25g        butter …

Banana Walnut Muffins

This muffin is very easy and fluffy.  I'm surprised this can be done so easily with thermomix!  It is fluffy and soft.  Here you are, the recipe: (Makes 12 ) 250g       banana, without skin 4              eggs (55g to 60g with shell) 150g        sugar 150g         corn oil…

Black Sesame Creme (Black Sesame Paste)

I did some research & created my desired texture  Black Sesame Paste ( 芝麻糊). It is simple but involve more steps to make the paste smooth and thick. Ingredients: 120g roasted black sesame seed 80g glutinous rice, soaked 60g sugar 500g water  200g water 1. Place b…

Deep fried Sliver Fish

Bought this sliver fish from Hock Hwa.  It is from Indonesia. As understood from the staff, this is using Japanese technology .  Well, Don't know how the whole thing works and he keep saying Japan technology.  Well...It is not too salty and is not too expensive as compare …